Globalstar Partner Global Telesat Communications Sees Massive 35% YoY Growth in SPOT and Satellite IoT Device Sales in 2024
Peter Black
Chief Scientist
Peter Black serves as Chief Scientist of Globalstar. Prior to joining Globalstar, Black served as Chief Scientist of XCOM Labs from 2018 until joining Globalstar in 2023.
Previously an SVP of Technology and Fellow at Qualcomm, Black has worked on wireless system designs spanning 2G/3G/4G/5G/6G. He was a modem system architect in 1995 for the first commercial CDMA modem chip – the foundational Qualcomm chip-set product.
Black holds over 200 U.S. patents and holds a B.E. in electrical engineering from the University of Queensland and was awarded a University Medal. He was also awarded a Fulbright Traveling Scholarship and attended Stanford University, graduating with an M.S. and Ph.D. in electrical engineering.